A spin-off of the television series 9-1-1, and created for Fox by Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuk, and Tim Minear, “9-1-1: Lone Star” is an American procedural drama television series that follows Owen Strand(Rob Lowe), along with his troubled firefighter son, T.K.(Ronen Rubinstein), taking his progressive philosophies of life and firefighting down to Texas, where he helps them start anew and premiered in May 2019 on FOX.
As Capt. Owen Strand welcomes newcomer Captain Tommy Vega to the 126, he must face the unexpected arrival of his ex-wife, Gwyneth, who visits Austin to check on their firefighter son, T.K., following the injuries he sustained at the end of last season. All of this occurs as the rescue squad must deal with an emergency that the Texas capital has never encountered before.
The second season premiered on January 18, 2020, the 9th episode of which aired on Monday, April 19, 2021, at 9 P.M ET on FOX.
Grace and Judd fight for their lives in the aftermath of the horrific car accident, as flashbacks show how a childhood tragedy led Judd to meet Grace and how they ultimately fell in love.
Where can I watch “9-1-1: Lone Star”?
Exclusively available for streaming on FOX, you can also watch it on Disney+Hotstar, Amazon Prime (cancel anytime), and Hulu (free trial).