9-1-1 Lone Star is an American procedural drama television series. Focusing on the fire, police, and ambulance departments of the fictional company 126 in Texas. The use of “Lone Star” in the name associates it with Texas, the “Lone Star State.” Creation of Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuk, and Tim Minear. The series is a spin-off of the television series 9-1-1. Made for Fox in May 2019. It premiered on January 19, 2020. We have a piece of good news! 9-1-1 Lone star has some season updates!
Lone Star: Cast
Starring Rob Lowe as Owen Strand, Liv Tyler as Michelle Blake, and Ronen Rubinstein as Tyler Kennedy “TK” Strand. Likewise, others include Sierra McClain as Grace Ryder, Jim Parrack as Judson “Judd” Ryder and Natacha Karam is Marjan Marwani, and Brian Michael Smith as Paul Strickland.
Lone Star: Plot
9-1-1: Lone Star follows a sophisticated New York firefighter who, along with his son, relocates from Manhattan to Austin, Texas. He must try to balance the duties of saving those who are at their most vulnerable and solving the problems in his own life. The adventure of daily life is not going to be easy!
Lone Star: Season Updates
In the last episode of season 1, we see Chaos ensues in Austin when a solar storm causes the electricity and power equipment to malfunction. The 126 team has to rescue the passengers of a light aircraft caught in the lines of high voltage electric towers. During an outing with Carlos, TK questions his relationship with him. When the malfunctioning traffic lights cause several accidents, they rush to help people before 126 arrives. In the homeless camp, Michelle discovers that her lost sister is alive and living there. Michelle and her mother try to get her back home but she chooses to stay at the camp, despite her schizophrenia.
Season 2 of 9-1-1 Lone Star is all ready to air on January 18, 2021.
Watch season updates of 9-1-1 Lone Star for more!