Created by Pendleton Ward, produced by Cartoon Network Studios and Frederator Studios, “Adventure Time: Distant Lands” is the collective name of four hour-long streaming television specials based on the American animated television series Adventure Time; the first special of which was released on June 25, 2020, and the second special followed on November 19, 2020. The third special premiered on Thursday, May 20, 2021, on HBO Max.
After a break from adventuring, a series of mysterious events leads Finn and Jake farther from home than they have ever traveled before,” reads the official synopsis. “When they find themselves face to face with a monstrous evil, Finn and Jake must unite for the adventure of their lifetimes!
Adventure Time: Distant Lands will bring us back to Land of Ooo and reunite us with our favorite characters Finn, Jake, Marceline, Princess Bubblegum, BMO, and Peppermint Butler. Each special is set to focus on a different character or set of characters, with Marceline and Princess Bubblegum teaming up for the second episode, while the third episode will see Finn the human reuniting with his best friend Jake the dog.
Where can I watch “Adventure Time: Distant Lands”?