Marvel’s Agents of Sheild is an American television series created by Joss Whedon, Jed Whedon, and Maurissa Tancharorn. The series is based on Marvel’s comic SHIELD organization, a spy agency in a world of superheroes. It is set in Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is the continuation of the franchise movies and television series. The show premiered on 24 September 2013 and ever since then it’s a huge hit.
Agents of Sheild will return with its seventh season in the summer of 2020, and we have the official release date as well which is 27th of May, 2020. ABC dropped the trailer of the show which teases the fans with some new twist in the final season of Agents of Sheild. The trailer not only features the agents traveling back to 1930s but also the return of Chronicoms, the extraterrestrial androids sent across the galaxy which also debuted as the antagonist in season six of Agents of Shields. The latest trailer also introduced Hydra’s connection in the upcoming season of the show. The tagline of the next season hyped up the fan which says, ‘change the past to rescue the future’. Watch the trailer here!
The seventh installment of Agents of Sheild will be more like Avengers: End Game, following the heroes throughout the history as they try to stop Chronicoms from destroying SHIELD and the world, and finally the plot in the upcoming season will bring SHIELD’s conflict with the villain Hydra to an end but in order to do that Coulson and his crews need to save their greatest enemy. The final season of Agents of Sheild also marks the end of the Marvel Universe Television era. Well, for the fans out there who loves traveling back and forth to future and past with the Agents of Sheild it will be a treat for them as the final season is full of such head-spinning twists and plot. Agents of Shield season 7 is all set to return to ABC on 27, May 2020 at 10 pm ET/PT.