The Real is an American talk show created by Sally Ann Salsana, and was premiered on The Fox in the year 2014. The host, Amanda Seales is leaving the show as she told the fans on Tuesday, during a live session on Instagram with actor, Brandon Dixon. She explained the reasons for her departure as her contract was up, and she decided not to renew her contract as the disrespect behavior on the sets of The Real.
Amanda said, ‘people are at the top are not respecting the Black People necessity for their voice to be at the top as well. And it doesn’t feel good to her soul.’ During the live session with the Hamilton actor, she discussed the revolutionary changes that need to be brought for the Black Americans, and with that the conversation shifted to her experience of racism on the sets of The Real.
She said that she went to the sets and her contract was up and she did not renew it. Amanda explained there are issues at the sets of the talk show, it is a place where she cannot speak to her people the way they need to be spoken to, and people are talking to her in disrespectful way but nobody cares. She is not in a space where she can be herself, the Black Woman, and have her own voice. Amanda told Dixon, that people is planting white beans on her black soil, she added that she have reached a point, and it’s enough.
Amanda Seales, an actress and comedian joined the American talk show, The Real in January 2020 as a replacement for Tamar Braxton, she announced her departure in 2016, and since then her position was vacant and Amanda finally joined. During the live session with Brandon, she said she is not concerned about finding other career opportunities, as long as she finds bread in a manner that serves her.