The upcoming drama series, American Gigolo, is based on the infamous film of 1980 that goes by the same name and was directed by Paul Schrader. The series is developed by David Hollander, who is also the executive producer, along with Jerry Bruckheimer, Jonathan Littman, and KristieAnne Reed. The TV adaptation is expected to bring to the plate the same level of excitement, thrill, and entertainment as was imparted by the original movie. Keep reading to know more about what’s in store for the audiences of American Gigolo.
American Gigolo: Plot and Cast
The plot of American Gigolo involves Julian Kaye post his 15 years of imprisonment and wrongful conviction release as he tries to find a way through his complicated relationships with Michelle, his former lover, his unsettled mother, and all the other individuals who went behind his back. While Julian tries to get his life back on track after a decade and half years behind the bars, Detective Sunday takes to himself to unveil the truth of the murder case that resulted in Julian’s imprisonment and finds leads that are seemingly a part of some bigger conspiracy.
The cast of American Gigolo comprises Jon Bernthal as Julian Kaye, Gabriel LaBelle as young Julian Kaye, Gretchen Mol as Michelle, Rosie O’Donnell as Detective Sunday, Lizzie Brocheré as Isabelle, and Leland Orser as Richard Stratton. The cast also includes Alex Fernandez, Sandrine Holt, Yolonda Ross, and Melora Walters. The guest cast of the show includes Wayne Brady as Lorenzo and Laura Liguori as Elizabeth Shannon House.
American Gigolo: Release Date
American Gigolo releases on September 11, 2022, Sunday, on Showtime at 9 p.m. ET/PT. The show comprises eight episodes, each of which is scheduled to be released on a weekly basis.
American Gigolo: Trailer
Check out the official trailer of American Gigolo by clicking on the tab below: