American Horror Story is an anthology horror television series on cable network FX. Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk have created the series. The first season of American Horror Story aired on October 5, 2011, titled Murder House. Since then, till season 5, the series premiered in the month of October, to complement the month of Halloween. However, from season 6, the show has premiered in September. Each season of American Horror Story consists of a self-contained miniseries, and follows a particular storyline, many of which have been inspired by true events. Season 9 of American Horror Story premiered on September 18, 2019, and was titled 1984; being set in the same year.
American Horror Story has mostly received positive reviews, and draws consistently high ratings for FX. The first season of American Horror Story was the most-viewed new cable series of 2011. The series was renewed for a tenth season in August 2018.
Cast of American Horror Story Season 10
Every season of American Horror Story sees recurring cast members play new characters, since the storyline is different in each season, with its own beginning, middle and end. Season 10 of American Horror Story will be seeing some stars returning from the first three seasons, as revealed by co-creator Ryan Murphy. In November 2019, Sarah Paulson confirmed that she will be returning for season 10 of American Horror Story in a lead role.
In February 2020, Ryan Murphy posted a video on Instagram revealing the cast of season 10 of American Horror Story. The cast for season 10 includes Kathy Bates, Leslie Grossman, Billie Lourd, Evan Peters, Adina Porter, Lily Rabe, Angelica Ross, Finn Wittrock, and series newcomer Macaulay Culkin.
Release Date of American Horror Story Season 10
Usually, the new season of American Horror Story debuts in September each year. But this year, there will be no American Horror Story on FX, due to production being pushed in May because of the coronavirus pandemic. The season is expected to start filming in October. Season 10 of American Horror Story has been pushed to 2021, but no premiere date has been announced yet.