Attack on Titan is a Japanese fantasy anime television series adapted from the manga comic of the title by Hajime Isayama and directed by Leisure Araki. The first season premiered in September 2013 with 25 episodes in total, the second season released in April 2017 with 12 episodes, and the third season went on air in October 2018 with 22 episodes. With three seasons, Attack on Titan has made a solid fan base. The series is set in a world where humans live inside a city surrounded by huge walls to protect themselves from the Titans who devour humans without any reason. The plot of Attack on Titan follows the adventures of Eren Yeager, and his friends Mikasa Ackerman, and Armin Alert whose lives changes when Titan breaches the wall of their hometown, to take revenge from the Titan and reclaim the world of Titan, Eren and his friend join the Scout Regiment, a group of soldiers to fight the Titans.
The lead cast of the show are Yuki Kaji who voiced the character of Eren, Bryce Papenbrook voiced the character of Mikasa Ackerman, and the character of Armin Alert is being voiced by Marina Inoue. There’s no more information regarding the cast of the fourth season of Attack on Titan.
The plot of the new season
The plot of the new season will see the world outside the walls of secure cities, Eren and his friends to go overseas and will discover new and fascinating information concerning the history of humans in the world, as well as the titans. It’s anticipated that this will be the final face-off between the two races i.e, the humans, and the titans. For all fans out there, the producers released the trailer of Attack on Titan season 4.
Release Date
The production for the fourth season has been completed, and we can expect Attack on Titan season 4 very soon. According to the sources, it’s known that producers will release the fourth installment in October 2020 on NHK General TV of Japan. So anime lovers mark the date!