Created by Simon Barry, Warrior Nun is an upcoming American fantasy drama web TV series. Warrior Nun is based on the eponymous comic series by Ben Dunn. The Plot...
Alex Rider is officially a go for works at Sony Pictures. Alex Rider is a teen superspy series of novels that are sold around 20M copies...
Hey! You have looks… Looks that Kill! What do you do when you hear that? You blush, you feel happy about yourself and move on with...
Below Deck Mediterranean is an American reality television series and spin-off of Below Deck on Bravo that premiered on May 3, 2016. The series revolves around the...
Yes, you heard it right. It’s DC’s FanDome. A 24-hour mega immersive virtual fan experience to bring the San Diego Comic-Con at the comfort of your home...
In an announcement made by HBO Max, the second season of Doom Patrol will premiere on the streaming platform. The announcement of Season 2 has proved...
Killing Eve is facing backlash for its composition of the writer’s room, which is all-white. The BML movement is driving the industry to rethink their impact...
Directed by Barbara Białowąs and Tomasz Mandes, 365 dni (literally 365 Days) is a Polish erotic drama. It is based on the first novel of a trilogy...
HBO Max renews its anthology romcom web TV, Love Life, for another season. Created by Sam Boyd, Love life, premiered on the HBO Max, the streaming service...
“Cops is not on the Paramount Network and we don’t have any current or future plans for it to return,” a network spokesperson said. Cops premiered on...