Created for television by David E. Kelley and developed by Ted Humphrey, The Lincoln Lawyer is an American legal drama television series. The first season is...
Created for Netflix by Lebogang Mogashoa, Savage Beauty is a South African drama series. It is about the mystery woman who enmeshes herself in a strong...
Created by Jeb Stuart, Vikings: Valhalla is a historical drama series made for Netflix. Stuart is also the executive producer alongside Morgan O’Sullivan, Michael Hirst, Sheila...
Developed by Sue Tenney, Virgin River is an American romantic drama streaming television series. It is based on the Virgin River novels by Robyn Carr. The...
Created by Steve Blackman, The Umbrella Academy is an American superhero streaming television series based on the comic book series of the same name written by...
Created by The Duffer Brothers, Stranger Things is a science fiction horror drama television series produced for Netflix. The Duffer Brothers are also the executive producers...
Produced for Disney+, Daredevil: Born Again is an upcoming American television miniseries that is based on the Marvel Comics character Daredevil. Executively produced by Kevin Feige,...
Star Wars: Skeleton Crew is an upcoming American television series created by Jon Watts and Christopher Ford for the streaming service Disney+. It is part of...
Created by A.C. Bradley, What If…? Is an American animated anthology series. The show is based on the Marvel Comics series of the same name. It...
Created by Marcos Bucay, Sebastian, and Emiliano Zurita, How to Survive Being Single is a comedy television series. The series is produced by Campanario Entertainment and...