The fifth installment of the Super Smash Bros game series is Super Smash Bros Ultimate. It is a crossover fighting game. Bandai Namco Studios and Sora Ltd is...
Crash Bandicoot 4 is an upcoming platform game. It will be the eighth installment in the game series. The developer of the game is Toys for...
Reports are the Batman: Arkham Knight developer Rocksteady Studios is working on a Suicide Squad Game. The game can be called Suicide Squad Kill the Justice...
Evil Genius is a single-player, real-time strategy and simulation video game series. The first game came on September 28, 2004. The developer of Evil Genius 1...
Skate 4 is now officially coming. Skate is a skateboarding video game. Electronic Arts are the developer a swell as the publisher of the game. Skate...
Star Wars: Squadrons is an upcoming space combat game. The game is set in the Star Wars universe. Motive Studios is the developer and Electronic Arts...
Crash Bandicoot is a franchise of platform video games. Genres of the game are racing video games, party games, and hack and slash. Activision is the...
Assassin’s Creed Origins will be available for free this weekend. This offer is only for PC users. So this weekend you can sail down the Nile...
The Game Devs of Color Expo will be going virtual on September 19, 2020. Due to the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic, the community will gather online....
Among trees is a survival game set in a colorful wilderness worth teeming with life. FJRD Interactive is the developer as well as the publisher of...