Hulu’s original, Palm Springs is an American romantic comedy film directed by Max Barbakow, his directorial debut. Produced by Limelight Productions, Lonely Island Classics, and Sun...
Candyman is an upcoming supernatural American movie directed by Nia DaCosta and written by Jordan Peele, Win Rosenfield, and DaCosta. It is a sequel of 1992’s...
Creepshow is an American horror anthology web series based on the book of the same title by Stephen King and George A. Romero. The show was...
Manifest is an American supernatural drama created by Jeff Rake, premiered on NBC on 24 September 2018 with 16 episodes. The story of Manifest centers around...
One Piece is a Japanese anime TV series adapted from the manga series of the same title by the author, Eiichiro Oda. The series follows the...
Netflix’s original Spanish thriller, Wasp Network is a thriller drama directed by Olivier Assayas, starring Penelope Cruz, Edgar Ramirez, Wagner Moura, and Gael Garcia Bernal. The...
Fuller House is an American comedy sitcom created by Jeff Franklin that premiered on Netflix as its original series, and it is a sequel of the...
According to the study of the streaming services to rank which global streaming services stands on top in a matter of subscriptions cost, Amazon Prime Video...
The fans of Glee faced panic on 11 June 2020 because the musical drama was unavailable for streaming on Netflix in the US, the users were...
In a time of the pandemic, the outrageous Black Lives Matter movement, and the cherry on the top, June is the month known as Pride Month....