Created by Steve Blackman, The Umbrella Academy is an American superhero streaming television series based on the comic book series of the same name written by...
The historical drama television series, The Crown is about the reign of Queen Elizabeth II, which is created by Peter Morgan. Morgan is also the executive...
Made for Apple TV+, Severance is a science fiction psychological thriller series which is directed by Ben Stiller. The plot of the series is based on...
Created by Jay Carson, The Morning Show is an American drama television series. The series is inspired by Brian Stelter’s book Top of the Morning: Inside...
Created and written by Ronald D. Moore, Matt Wolpert and Ben Nedivi For All Mankind is an American science fiction drama television series. The executive producers...
Created by René Balcer, FBI: Most Wanted is an American crime drama television series, produced by Wolf Entertainment. It is the first spin-off from Dick Wolf’s...
Created by Dick Wolf and Craig Turk, FBI is an American crime drama television series that is aired on CBS. Wolf and Turk are also the...
Based on the 1975 television series of the same name by Robert Hamner, S.W.A.T. is an American action drama television series. Developed by Rick Husky, Aaron...
Created by Dick Wolf, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit is an American crime drama television series. Law & Order: Special Victims Unit follows the style...
Created by Dick Wolf, Law & Order is a police procedural and legal drama series, made for NBC. Wolf is also the executive producer alongside Peter...