The third movie in the extremely popular superhero franchise was set to release in 2020, but the problems created by James Gunn and his offensive tweets resulted in the...
“Kung fu Panda” came as a hope for chubby people trying to learn self-defense (you know, because of our age-old tradition called “bullying”) it also came...
It seems our “Spidey” can’t stick. Like all the other stalled productions, Sony has also been prey to the pandemic. For all the Spider-Man fans, there...
The Covid19 pandemic has stirred the entertainment industry too well, it has stopped enormous productions and has delayed many release dates. Venom suffered from the same...
“LoVe iS bLiNd” cries the man who got rejected when he wore his Batman mask on the FIRST DATE (haha, What? No, that can’t possibly be me,...
Moon Knight, a part of “The Avengers” made his cameo in “Ultimate Spider-Man vs Sinister Six” and “Avengers Assemble” animated series. As he is the part of...
Netflix has some high-end content when talking about marginalised communities. “On my Block” is a beautiful show which represents, not only the Black community but also the...
“Westbound Greyhound To tinsel town Just to pursue her movie star dreams She’s giving hot tricks to men Just to get in When she was taught...
If you are alive and have a PC, you have to do this. Epic Games is giving away its most critically acclaimed and the best game of...
From weeks and weeks, we have been hearing about the return of Pirates of the Caribbean. The new rumor that this week has given us is...