Streaming service Amazon Prime Video is bringing a brand new British fantasy television miniseries, Anasi Boys. It is based on the novel of the same name...
Created by Oscar Jaenada, Hernán is a Spanish, Nahuatl, and Maya language historical drama streaming television series. The show first premiered on Amazon Prime Video on...
Created by Marisa Quiroga, El juego de las llaves is a Mexican comedy streaming television series. The series debuted on 16 August 2019 on Amazon Prime...
Created by Moshe Zonder, Tehran is an Israeli spy thriller television series. Written by Zonder and Omri Shenhar and directed by Daniel Syrkin, the series has...
Created by Kim Jee-woon, Dr. Brain is a 2021 South Korean web series. The series is based on the Korean webtoon of the same name by...
Developed for Apple TV+, The Big Door Prize is an American comedy television series based on the book of the same name by M.O. Walsh. The...
Created by Chuck Lorre and Steven Molaro, Young Sheldon is a coming-of-age sitcom television series, made for CBS. It is a prequel to The Big Bang...
Created by Max Thieriot, Tony Phelan, and Joan Rater and produced by Jerry Bruckheimer, Fire Country is an American action drama television series developed for CBS....
American legal drama television series, So Help Me Todd is created for CBS by Scott Prendergast. The basic premise of the show focuses on a talented...
Created by Quinta Brunson for ABC, Abbott Elementary is an American mockumentary sitcom television series. The series premiered as a midseason entry in the 2021–22 television...