His Dark Materials is a fantasy drama television series based on Philip Pullman’s novel series of the same name. Jack Thorne wrote the screenplay while Lorne Balfe...
Trial 4 is a true crime documentary television mini series that came out in 2020. Reme Burkel directed it while Jean Xavier de Lestrade worked as the...
Moonbase 8 is an American comedy television series that will be released on Showtime. Fred Armisen, Tim Heidelberg, Jonathan Krisel and John C. Reilly created the series...
Alex Rider is a British spy thriller streaming television show based on Anthony Horowitz’s novel series of the same name. Guy Burt created the series while Andreas...
Snake Eyes is an upcoming American superhero film that is intended to be a prequel to the first film in the G.I. Joe film series. This film focuses on...
The Eternals is an upcoming American superhero film based on a fictional race that first appeared in Marvel Comics. The film is intended to be the twenty...
Jungle Cruise is an upcoming American adventure film that will be distributed theatrically on Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. Jaume Collet-Serra directed the film while John...
Saved by the Bell is an upcoming American streaming television sitcoms that is a sequel to the original television show Saved by the Bell that appeared on television between...
The Beatles: Get Back is an upcoming documentary film based on The Beatles’ 1970 album Let It Be. The album was originally supposed to be called Get Back. Director...
Stylish With Jenna Lyons is an upcoming American reality television web series that will premiere on HBO Max. Simon Lloyd, Jenna Lyons, David Tibbals, Paul Storck, Hillary...