Home Box Office recently announced that it is renewing We’re Here for another season. The show, which is a documentary-series follows the trio of Bob the Drag...
Netflix’s romantic reality show Too Hot To Handle is renewed for another season. The show which aired its first season in April 2020, is a reality...
Disney+ recently confirmed the commencement of the production of Hamilton: History Has Its Eyes On with the release of the show’s trailer. Hamilton is a Disney+...
Batman Forever which released in 1995 has been confirmed to be released again with extended directors. The movie which revolves around Batman, who is a vigilante...
The Last Kingdom has been renewed for another season, which will be its fifth season. The new season will include 10 episodes just like the previous...
Jim Jefferies in calls out Millenials and shuns Cancel culture in his latest stand up comedy show for Netflix, called ‘Intolerant’. The stand up special produced...
Netflix’s latest production ‘Away’ will be premiering on September 4, 2020. The Netflix original is set to take off its journey to space. The show is...
Hulu renews Pen15 for season 2. The show which gained its fame for its impeccable sense of humour will be returning to Hulu this fall....
The superheroine show of the DC Universe has decided to give its streaming rights to The CW. The show which will be releasing its season 2...
The Outpost movie which premiered on July 4th, 2020, was showered with appreciation and admiration. The movie is based on the novel called ‘The Outpost: An...