Created by Jemaine Clement, What We Do in the Shadows, is based on the 2014 film of the same title written by Clement and Taika Waititi. The show...
Disney has recently announced an addition to it’s already existing collection of documentaries, Becoming. This is a brand new original series by Disney which will debut in...
Directed by Anna Mastro, Secret Society of Second-Born Royals is an upcoming science fantasy action superhero film. The film is based on an original anecdote by Litvak,...
Netflix is about to release a fresh and exciting sci-fi drama series in September 2020. Fortunately, the filming of the show concluded just before the havoc...
From the creators of The Good Wife comes another exciting supernatural thriller drama series titled Evil. Created by Robert King and Michelle King, the series is produced by CBS...
Created by Nick Frost, Simon Pegg, James Serafinowicz, and Nat Saunders, Truth Seekers is an upcoming comedy-horror series. Networked by Prime Video, this TV series is...
The Boys season 2 is coming back with a bang on Amazon Prime Video and fans are thrilled. Season 2 of this series was renewed by...
Networked by Prime Video, Bosch is an American Police Crime Drama. The show has already aired six seasons and has recently announced the renewal of the...
Ammonite is an upcoming movie written and directed by Francis Lee. Luckily, Lee managed to finish the film just before the lockdown and it is all...
The Babysitter – Killer Queen, an upcoming Netflix Movie, is the sequel of The Babysitter, which premiered on Netflix back in 2017. The movie is written by...