Back is a British sitcom filmed and set in and around Stroud, Gloucestershire. The creation of Simon Blackwell and its first series was broadcast from 6 September – 11 October 2017. The series is now back with another season of exciting drama. Here is what you need to know about season 2 of Back.
What is “Back” about?
After the death of his father, Laurie, 42-year-old Stephen is set to take over the family business, the John Barleycorn pub, in Stroud. Andrew, a former foster child briefly raised by Stephen’s parents’ returns and interrupts Stephans plan. Subsequently, to renew his relationship with the family. While Andrew quickly charms the rest of Stephen’s family including his mother Ellen, sister Cass, and uncle Geoff. However, Stephen resents Andrew and views him as “a glib, dangerous sociopath who’s about to steal his family, his business and his life”. Andrew fondly remembers the time he spent living with the family as happy. Whereas Stephen remembers the same time as miserable.
Cast of Back
Starring David Mitchell as Stephen Richard Nichols and Robert Webb as Andrew Thomas Donnelly. Similarly, Penny Downie as Ellen May Nichols, mother of Stephen and Cass, Louise Brealey as Cassandra Leslie “Cass” and Nichols, Stephen’s sister. Likewise, Others include Geoffrey McGivern as Geoff, Stephen’s uncle, and Laurie’s brother Matthew Holness as Laurie, Stephen’s deceased father.
When is season 2 of Back releasing?
Season 2 of Back is all set for an IFC release on 31st March 2021. It will be interesting to see Stephen and Andrew adjusting in this new turn. Will Stephan be able to accept Andrew and share his family, business, and life with him?
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