Barry is a dark comedy-crime television series. The series is created by Alec Berg and Bill Hader and it airs on HBO. The first season premiered in 2018, followed by the second one in 2019. HBO also renewed the series for a third season in April 2019. Barry has received critical acclaim, mainly for its writing, humour and characters. The show also has several Primetime Emmy Award nominations in its name!
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Updates On Season 3 Of Barry
As of now, we only know that HBO has renewed the show for a third season. So this means that there will be a season 3 in the future but we do not know when. There is no information on the release dates of the third instalment.
Who Will We See In Season 3?
Sources say that the cast for season 3 will include the same members we saw in the previous two seasons. We will get to see Bill Hader as the titular character, Barry, Stephen Root as Monroe, Sarah Goldberg as Sally Reed, Glenn Fleshler as Goran, Anthony Carrigan as NoHo Hank and Henry Winkler as Gene. We do not know if there will be any new additions. At this moment, all we can do is speculate. What are your thoughts on this?
What Could Be The Possible Story For Season 3?
The story revolves around Barry Berkman, a hitman from Ohio. He travels to Los Angeles to kill someone but ends up joining an acting class taught by Gene. There he begins to question himself and his path in life.
The eighth episode of season 2 ends with the words “Barry Berkman did this.” It ends with Gene remembering something Fuches whispered to him before he left him with Moss’s body. He remembers those words. Season 3 could probably continue from where they left off or follow a completely different track from the previous 2 seasons! There is no official information on the storyline of season 3. We can only wait for the time being.
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