Better Things is a comedy-drama television series on FX. The series has been created by Pamela Adlon and Louis C.K. The first season of Better Things premiered on September 8, 2016, and consisted of ten episodes. The second season premiered on September 14, 2017, again consisting of ten episodes. The third season, however, premiered on February 28, 2019, and consisted of 12 episodes. The fourth and the latest season, premiered on March 5, 2020, consisting of ten episodes. The premise of the show is this-
“The series tells the story of Sam Fox, a single mother and working actor with no filter, raising her three daughters, Max, Frankie and Duke in Los Angeles. She also looks after her mother, Phil, an English expat with questionable faculties who lives across the street.”
The show has received a lot of critical acclaim and was also the recepient of a Peabody Award in 2017. The protagonist of the series, Pamela Adlon, was also nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series in 2017 and 2018. Better Things was renewed for a fifth season in May 2020.
Cast of Better Things Season 5
The main cast members will all be back for the fifth season of Better Things. This includes Pamela Adlon, Mikey Madison, Hannah Alligood, Olivia Edward, and Celia Imrie, as Sam Fox, Max Fox, Frankie Fox, Duke Fox, and Phyllis Darby, respectively.
Some of the recurring cast members, such as Diedrich Bader (Rich), Alysia Reiner (Sunny), Greg Comer (Jeff), Rebecca Metz (Tressa), Matthew Glave (Xander Hall), Kevin Pollack (Marion), Judy Reyes (Lala), and Cree Summer (Lenny), are also expected to be back for season 5.
Better Things Season 5 – Premiere Date and more Updates
In addition to the renewal of her series for a fifth season, creator and protagonist Pamela Adlon has also signed a five year deal with FX Productions, tying her up with the company for any future scripted and unscripted projects that she will work on. There has been no official release date announced as of now, but the fifth season of Better Things is expected to premiere some time in 2021.