Created by Andrew Goldberg, Nick Kroll, Mark Levin, and Jennifer Flackett, Big Mouth is an American adult animated coming-of-age sitcom. A spin-off series titled Human Resources debuted on March 18, 2022. Upon Big Mouth’s release, the series received critical acclaim, with praise going to the writing, animation, voice acting, musical numbers, humor, and emboldening messages of acceptance.
Kroll, Goldberg, Levin, and Flackett are also the executive producers alongside Blair Fetter, Kristen Zolner, and Jane Wiseman. The first season, consisting of ten episodes, premiered on Netflix on September 29, 2017. In April 2022, Netflix renewed the show for a seventh season, ahead of the sixth season premiere.
So when is Big Mouth Season 7 releasing? What is the plot? Who would come back to reprise their roles? Continue reading to know further details.
Big Mouth Season 7 Release Date
The sixth season of Big Mouth premiered on October 28, 2022. The total number of episodes remains unknown but the trend followed in Season 6 might be continued in Season 7.
For now, we can expect that Season 7 might release sometime in 2023, although confirmation is currently awaited. Detailed information related to Season 7 is yet to be disclosed by the makers.
Big Mouth Plot and Cast
The makers of Big Mouth have not revealed anything about what would happen in Season 7 but it is confirmed to continue from where Season 6 will end. Everything is dependent on how Season 6 will end.
As much as they were forced to leave their homes in Seasons 1, 2, and 3, Nick and Andrew ended their friendship just as she was getting ready to move out with her mother, and Jay became a runaway. The show’s finales left some questions unanswered as Jessi prepared to move out with her mother and become a runaway.
A more dramatic climax to Season 4 saw Nick reclaiming control of his body after his future self, Nick Starr, had taken over, and a similar sort of conclusion to Season 5 was seen in the fourth season. In the final episode of Big Mouth Season 5, Nick realized that all monsters and bugs are a part of him, and Missy and Jay came to their respective conclusions.
The story of Jay and Matt’s relationship, Lola’s possible retribution because she won’t let go of Jay, and the multiple confrontations between Nick and Andrew over their various physical forms will later be continued in Big Mouth Season 6.
Although the cast for Season 7 has not been officially announced, we should get to see Nick Kroll, Jason Mantzoukas, Jenny Slate, Maya Rudolph, Jordan Peele, Fred Armis and John Mulaney, and others in the lead roles.
Big Mouth Season 7 Trailer
There is no trailer available for Big Mouth Season 7. For now, you can check the trailer for Season 6 below: