American adult animated coming-of-age sitcom, Big Mouth is created by Nick Kroll, Jennifer Flackett, Andrew Goldberg, and Mark Levin. The series focuses on teens residing in Kroll and Goldberg’s early life in New York and Kroll also lends his voice to his young self. Puberty is also an important theme of the series and speaks about the acceptance of someone for who he or she is.
Kroll, Flackett, Goldberg, and Levin are also executive producers of the series alongside Blair Fetter, Jane Wiseman, and Kristen Zolner. The series debuted on September 19, 2017, and run for 6 seasons more till 2022, which received a positive response from critics and audiences.
So, what is the release date of Season 8? What is the plot of Season 8? Who will be coming back to reprise their roles? Continue reading to know more.
Big Mouth Plot and Cast
The makers have not shared yet anything regarding the plot of Big Mouth Season 8 since season 7 of the series is yet to be released. If further updates are revealed, they will be disclosed on all the official sources.
The main cast of the series includes Nick Kroll as Nicholas Arsenio “Nick” Birch, John Mulaney as Andrew Glouberman, Jessi Klein as Jessica Cobain “Jessi” Glaser, Jason Mantzoukas as Jayzerian Ricflairian, Fred Armisen as Elliot Birch, Jordan Peele as the Ghost of Duke Ellington, and many more are there.
Big Mouth Season 8 Release Date
Ahead of the sixth season premiere, the makers have renewed the series for a eighth season on April 24, 2023. But the official release date for Big Mouth Season 8 is yet to be confirmed. The upcoming season of the series might also have 10 episodes since 5 seasons of the series have 10 episodes, and only season 3 has 11 episodes.
We hope that the series will soon release in early 2024 as it was renewed in April 2023. A spin-off was also released in March last year which was titled Hunan Resources.
Big Mouth Season 8 Trailer
The trailer for Big Mouth Season 8 is yet to be released but until it comes out you can check the trailer from season 6 below: