Directed by Travis Taute, Dyrne Joshua and Nosipho Dumisa, Blood and Water is a South African Netflix original web series. The season 1 of the series received positive reviews just after the debut. Fans and critics loved the show for the intriguing storyline, compelling characters and mystery development. The good news is that Netflix has officially renewed the series for a second season on June 2020 and fans are thrilled.
Release Date and Trailer of Blood and Water Season 2:
The season 1 of the series premiered on May 20th 2020 and Netflix announced the renewal of season 2 in June 2020 itself. However, the network has not yet confirmed any date for the release. Netflix usually releases its series on a yearly basis. If the cycle is to be followed, we might get to see season 2 of the series around Spring 2021. However, given the situation of the pandemic, there could be a delay in production. Season 1 consists of 6 episodes.
There is no official trailer or teaser yet for the season 2. Watch the trailer for season 1 of Blood and Water below:
What is it about?
The official synopsis on Netflix goes like “Set in the surroundings of Parkhurst College, the prestigious inner-city school for elite scholars and academic overachievers. Blood & Water follows the exploits of 16-year-old Puleng Khumalo, as she engineers her transfer to the school to investigate the 17-year-old cold case of the abducted-at-birth older sister she’s never met.”
Season 1 ends with Puleng and Fikile finding out that they are sisters. In season 2 of the show, we might get to see how the revelation affects their relationship. In season 2, we might find out if Fikile and Chad have ended their illicit relationship. Not much about the plot season 2 is known yet.
Who is in it?
Given the ending of season 1, we will probably get to see the regular cast of season 1 return for season 2 as well. The cast members are Ama Qamata (Puleng), Khosi Ngema (Fikile), Thabang Molaba (KB), Dillon Windvogel (Wade), Arno Greef (Chris), Ryle de Morny (Chad), Natasha Tahane (Wendy), Mekaila Mathys (Tahira), Cindy Mahlangu (Zama) and Duane Williams (Mark).
Masters's in English Language and Literature, I love creating content. You would often find me sitting in front of my laptop and binge-watching a series. Also, I have a knack towards photography.