Bloodstained: Curse of The Moon 2 is the 8-bit sequel to Bloodstained: The Night Ritual which began as a stretch target for the Kickstarter campaign of the latter title. The series is a former producer and director of Castlevania show, Koji Igarashi.
Igarashi is behind several classics of the popular genre of Metroidvania, such as Castlevania: Symphony of The Night and Castlevania: Curse of Darkness. The Bloodstained games take direct influence from the favorite title of Igarashi’s Castlevania: Dracula’s Curse.
Release Date
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2 was revealed as part of the New Game Plus Expo in June 2020. It was released on July 10, 2020, for Windows, PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.
In the sequel, users will be playing as Zangetsu. An exorcist samurai of the original, as well as former allies of Zangetsu, Miriam, Alfred, and Gebel. In addition to these familiar names, three additional characters will join the fray. A spear-like exorcist called Dominique, a gun-slinging soldier called Robert, and Hachi, a corgi sporting a mech-like suit of magic armor.
The characters from the game’s first Moon Curse are now available! Every new character introduces several gameplay possibilities, skills, and ways to complete the several stages of the games. Function with a partner, mix and balance the abilities of two distinct personalities, and overcome scenes in lots of fun new ways.
The plot is nothing more than a pure attempt to justify the protagonist’s progress within the eight stages that make up the game. That of the stages is well defined and offers a strong identity that differentiates it from the other scenarios.
For Castlevania enthusiasts, the first five stages or so shouldn’t face much of a difficulty. Though, the remaining three have obstacles that allow you to use both your energy and combat skills to overcome difficult platforming tasks and confusing boss fights.
Different Modes
The sequel retains numerous difficulties options for the original in both a Casual mode and a Veteran mode.
The Veteran’s mode has fewer lives. It also has a scoring feature that allows you to raise your lives, ensuring you stop to destroy enemies rather than escape them.
The Casual difficulty mode has infinite lives, so it has no feature. It decreases enemy damage, introduces extra checkpoints, and prevents knockback when it gets hit. Having a game handle such a large variety of player abilities is amazing.
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2 is an incredibly good game that beats out its already outstanding predecessor only marginally. Due to a somewhat higher degree of difficulty and a larger range of characters, old-school Castlevania players will completely love it.
I am final year engineering student pursuing CSE. Apart from studying, I'm a good sportsman. Likes to play cricket, volleyball, basketball and so on, and I'm a foodie, too.