Created by Paul Tomalin, Bodies is an upcoming British crime thriller limited series soon coming on Netflix. It is based on the DC comic and graphic novel of the same name. The executive producers of the show include Paul Tomalin, Marco Kreuzpaintner, Will Gould, and Frith Tiplady. Moonage Pictures is the production company involved with the show. The show features very some very talented personalities including Shira Haas, Stephen Graham, Jacob Fortune-Lloyd, Kyle Soller, Amaka Okafor, and many more are there.
So, when the show is coming out? Who has been cast in the lead roles? What is the storyline? Is there any trailer available for the upcoming season? Keep reading to know further details.
Bodies Plot and Cast
As of the article writing, Netflix has not revealed much about the upcoming show. So it is very hard to predict any certain storyline for the upcoming season.
Coming to the cast members, it includes Shira Haas as DC Maplewood, Jacob Fortune-Lloyd as DS Whiteman, Amaka Okafor as DS Hasa, Stephen Graham as Elias Mannix, and Kyle Soller as DI Hillinghead. Although the makers have not revealed any other name for the cast lineup we can expect them to disclose some new names in the upcoming days.
Bodies Release Date
The filming for the show began on 16 May 2022 and wrapped up on 21 October 2022. Although the developers have not revealed any specific release date so far we can expect it to come out in the fall of 2023 since the filming has already wrapped up.
Bodies will consist of eight episodes in total however the run time of each episode has not been disclosed yet. The unrevealed information is expected to come out in a few days.
Bodies Trailer
Unfortunately, there is no trailer available at this moment however we can expect it to have in the fall of 2023.
A simple girl from Guwahati Assam........ Love and care for all those who do the same for me..... Overall, a true and good friend for everyone.
Obviously, family and closest friends are my top priority. Love to keep everyone happy and bring a smile in the faces of those who go through bad phases.
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