Netflix’soriginal Bojack Horseman released its season sixon Netflix in January 2020. The show which is created by Raphael Bob-Waksberg first aired on Netflix in 2014 and had hit the streaming industry with its raw and riveting humour.
The show which a comical-satire show gained popularity for its script and the elements of reality intertwined with sarcastic humour. The fans of this show love how the lives of the characters aren’t sugar-coated but have been portrayed as they would have been in real life! The show has received a rating of 8.7/10 from IMDb.
Release Date And Trailer:
The creator of the show and the officials at Netflixannounced right before the release of season six that there will be no Season 7. The sixth season will be the shows last and final season which will tie up all loose ends! The Season 6 of Bojack horseman which aired on 31st January 2020, with 16 episodes released in a bulk. Each episode had a run time of 40-45 minutes on an average! Since the show will not be renewed by Netflix for season 7 the below-attached trailer is of Season 6!
Cast For The Show:
This show has seen some talented people working together to present a fantastic show, we have seen Will Arnett playing BoJack Horseman, Amy Sedaris playing Princess Carolyn, Alison Brie playing Diane Nguyen, Paul F. Tompkins as Mr Peanutbutter and Aaron Paul playing the role of Todd Chavez. These actors have been playing their roles since 2014 and were sad to part away with the show!
Plot Of The Series:
The show was the recipient of praises and accolades for its unwavering and extremely realistic portrayal of the life of an actor who spirals down in life because of substance abuse and alcoholism. The supporting characters life’s also are shown for what they would be in real life. Struggles, emotional instability, inability to commit and many other daunting topics have been touched by the creators of this show. All of this has been depicted with humour and satire!
We are super sad to say goodbye to such an entertaining and wonderful show! However, you can stream the shows six seasonson Netflix.
Electronics and communication engineer in the making, I’m a voracious reader and a passionate writer. I enjoy learning new skills and aim to enhance my skillset. I strive to achieve the best and firmly believe that every opportunity is a gateway to one’s personal success and development.