The first part of The Boss Baby was out in 2017. This film franchise consisting of very heartwarming and hilarious plot and characters is owned by Dreamworks Animation. The original language in which the first film was made is English and the genres fantasy, comedy, adventure, and animation can be attributed to this film franchise.
Owing to the huge success of the first film, the production house released a TV series follow-up of the movie in April 2018 titled Boss Baby: Back in Business. The average length of the episodes was 25mins. The second and third seasons of this show premiered in October 2018 and March 2020 respectively. All the Boss Baby movies and shows roll out on the world’s most popular online streaming platform Netflix.
The first part saw many famous Hollywood and US TV celebrities as the real voice behind our favorite characters. The film stars Alec Baldwin as Boss Baby, Steve Buscemi as Francis Francis, TV star Jimmy Kimmel as Dad, F.R.I.E.N.D.S. fame Lisa Kudrov as Mom, Spiderman fame Toby Maguire as Adult Tim, Miles Bakshi as Tim and James McGrath as Wizzie. We expect to see most of them again in the second part as well.
Release Date
The original release date for The Boss Baby 2 was given as 26 March 2021. The film is currently in its production stage. Since the out of coronavirus pandemic, almost everything has come to a standstill due to social distancing and people being quarantined. As a consequence, we expect a delay in the release date of the film.
Trailer and Plot Details
No trailer has been out for the film yet. Neither any official statement is on news regarding the plot. Yet the fans are eagerly waiting for this upcoming film. We expect the second part will pick up from where the first part left off and will some influence of its subsequent TV series. Fans anticipate a bigger, better and more hilarious return of The Boss Baby!