The Fast and Furious franchise has been a global blockbuster since its inception in 2001. The films are usually centered with a lot of heated action around illegal car racing, heists and illegitimately saving the world. The spin-off movie Hobbs and Shaw was also a superhit worldwide. Before Paul Walker’s untimely demise in 2013, the brotherly bond between him and Vin Diesel was prominent on-screen as well as off-screen. The 10th and probably the last film of the main franchise will be a tribute to Paul Walker.
The ninth film of the series was set to premiere this year in May but due to the pandemic crisis on the front, its release has been postponed to April 2021. The film features Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez, Jordana Brewster, Nathalie Emmanuel, Tyrese Gibson and Ludacris in their recurring roles. Sung Kang as Han will return from the dead for his team. We will also see John Cena, Cardi B and Charlize Theron in the film. Though the Fast and Furious 9 hasn’t been out yet, discussions among fans as well the creators about the tenth film begin to gain some concrete ground.
Vin Diesel on Fast and Furious 10
We got some credible insight into the 10th installment of the franchise from the lead actor Vin Diesel himself in an interview with USA Today. Reminiscing the death of Paul, he said, “He [Paul] was always tickled by the fact that we were continuing. He was always so excited and so proud that his brother was thinking of these films before the studio, before anyone knew that there was another one coming and another one coming and that the stories had been worked out for him. He took great pride in that.”
In the interview, Diesel recounted the moment when Walker had asked him, “Vin, how many more do you think there will be?” Diesel replied: “The question is, is it seven, eight, nine, or seven, eight, nine, 10?”
“And I remember this giant smile on his face like, ‘What?! That’s impossible!’ But later that night we were talking, and I promised him that we would get to that point. It may not mean anything to anyone else,” Diesel added, “but to me on a personal level, that’s the promise that I made to my brother. So I’d like to hopefully, if it’s meant to be, honor that.”
We are expecting at the least a cameo of Paul Walker’s character Brian O’Conner in Fast and Furious 10. Furthermore, still exciting news for the fans is that Vin Diesel is a co-director for the film.