Based on Julia Quinn’s collection of novels, Bridgerton is an American historical-romance television series. Created by Chris Van Dusen, it is Shondaland’s first scripted show for Netflix. It revolves around the eponymous Bridgerton family and is set in the competitive world of Regency-era London during the social season when marriageable youth of nobility and gentry are launched into society.
The first season premiered on December 25, 2020, followed by the second season on March 25, 2022. The series received positive reviews from the audience, currently, it holds an approval rating of 87% on Rotten Tomatoes for the first season and 78% for the second season. By April 2021, the series was renewed for a third and fourth season.
So, when is the fourth season releasing? What is the plot? Who will be in the cast? Continue reading to know further details.
Bridgerton Plot and Cast
Since season three is skipping ahead to Colin’s story, based on the fourth book, Romancing Mister Bridgerton, season four will likely be based on the third book, An Offer and a Gentleman, which focuses on Benedict and his relationship with Sophie Beckett, the illegitimate daughter of an Earl.
In the book, after Benedict meets and falls for a mysterious girl at a masquerade ball, he sets out to find her true identity, not knowing that she is Sophie.
Details on the cast are currently unknown, but if Benedict does take center stage for season four, it’s safe to assume that Luke Thompson will return as one of the leads. However, Sophie’s character has yet to be cast. Meanwhile, it’s likely that all of Benedict’s siblings will appear, including Daphne (Phoebe Dynevor), Anthony (Jonathan Bailey), Colin (Luke Newton), and Eloise (Caudia Jesse).
Bridgerton Season 4 Release Date
Since season 3 is not released yet, it is very hard to predict any release date for Bridgerton Season 4. There was just a fifteen-month gap between Bridgerton season 1 and the second season, keeping that in mind we can expect season 4 in 2024.
The upcoming season is expected to have eight episodes like the previous two seasons. Any further details might be revealed in the upcoming few months.
Bridgerton Season 4 Trailer
Right now there is no trailer available for Bridgerton Season 4. Until it comes out you can check the trailer from season 2 below: