Created by and starring Noel Clarke and Ashley Walters, and produced by Vertigo Films and Company Pictures, “Bulletproof” is a British police procedural series that follows undercover cops Pike and Bishop as they chase down hardened criminals in London’s East End. Bonded by their strong moral code they are always determined to get results, even if it means taking matters into their own hands, and broadcast first time on Sky One on May 15, 2018, and premiered in the US on The CW in August 2019.
Starring Ashley Walters, Noel Clarke, Lindsey Coulson, Jason Maza, David Elliot, Olivia Chenery, Lucie Shorthouse, Lee Ross, Vanessa Vanderpuye, and Jodie Campbell.
The latest season premiered on Monday, March 15, 2021, at 8 P.M ET on The CW.
Having spent two seasons bringing the series’ trademark cinematic action to the streets of London, this time the boys are heading overseas to dive deep undercover in a brand new case.
Taking a much-deserved holiday in South Africa, the pair are ready for some sun, sea, and serenity. Unfortunately for them, the rest and relaxation will have to wait as they get swept up in the kidnapping of a young girl. With time running out, the duo has to slip their protective vests under their Hawaiian shirts in order to track her down and solve a conspiracy in a three-part special that will bring viewers more action, more car chases, and more adrenaline in a thrilling journey into the underworld of Cape Town.
Clarke, who is the show’s creator and who also co-writes the series with Walters, spoke with Africanews expressing that he “had a few reservations” about shooting season three in the country, because of its politics and history.
Walters, on the other hand, “pushed” for the idea.
“We both knew the history of South Africa, the problems that they had there. The disparity between the rich and the poor, racism, etc,” explains Walters. ” But, I also understood how picturesque, how cinematic it would be for the show and the value that we would get out there. So, we came to the conclusion that we go and we did it. Yeah, it was amazing. It was the best thing that we’ve done for the show so far.”
Where can I stream “Bulletproof”?
Exclusively on Sky one, and The CW, you can also stream the show on Amazon Prime (cancel anytime).