Lightning McQueen and Mater are making a comeback with their upcoming animated television series, Cars on the Road. Needless to mention, the series is a part of the renowned Cars franchise that focuses on the lives of anthropomorphic talking vehicles. Written by Steve Purcell and produced by Pixar, the Disney+ series will involve an array of light-hearted adventures filled with randomness and interesting plot twists, featuring known as well as some new characters. Keep reading to know more.
Cars on the Road: Plot and Cast
Alike the Cars movies, the plot of Cars on the Road revolves around Lightning McQueen and his best friend, Mater. The two are on their way to attend Mater’s sister’s wedding, a sister whom none of them knew existed. On their cross-country road trip, the two are met with some new anthropomorphic talking vehicles, some of whom would be friendly, while others are a bit dubious. All along their journey, they visit many new spots and come across quite a number of new characters. That being said, the series will. Also, include familiar Cars faces from previous projects of the franchise. All this along with guaranteed fun, laughter, and spontaneous comedy makes the upcoming series filled with joy and liveliness.
The primary voice cast of Cars on the Road includes Owen Wilson as Lightning McQueen, Larry the Cable Guy as Mater, Bonnie Hunt as Sally CarreraCheech Marin as RamoneLloyd Sherr as Fillmore, and Quinta Brunson as Ivy.
Cars on the Road: Release Date
Cars on the Road releases on September 8, 2022, on Disney+. The show is set to comprise nine episodes, all of which will be launched on the day of the release.
Cars on the Road: Trailer
The official trailer of Cars on the Road is out. Check it out by clicking the tab below: