Created by Ashley Lyle and Bart Nickerson, Yellowjackets is a television drama series that revolves around four teenagers involved in a plane crash in 1996. Lyle...
Created by Robert and Michelle King, Evil is an American supernatural drama television series. The show’s executive producers are Liz Glotzer, Robert King, Michelle King, Rockne...
Jeff Goldblum is one of America’s reputed actors and musicians who have been giving out some high-grossing hits at the American Box Office. Some of his...
Netflix Canada boasts an enormous content library, with more than 5,000 titles, including TV shows and films. The diversity of its content is second to none,...
Buddy cop movie is a genre that has always been loved by the audience. The trend has been going on for a long time since the...
March was the month of Vengeance. The highly-anticipated film The Batman (2022), since its release on 4th March, has been the talk of the town. The...
The largely underrepresented and frequently misrepresented heavy metal community can look forward to early April. Metal Lords, an upcoming musical comedy would provide that metal attitude,...
Mariana Diallo is an incredible filmmaker and is someone to watch out for. Master is the latest entry in an increasingly impactful new wave of allegorical...
Deep Water is an upcoming psychological thriller film directed by Adrian Lyne. The debut trailer for the movie has arrived, depicting Ben Affleck and Ana De...
The Contractor (formerly known as Violence of Action) is an upcoming American action film by director Tarik Saleh, making his English language film debut. Showtime and...