Created by Carlos Montero and Dario Madrona, Elite is a thriller teen drama series produced for Netflix. It features an ensemble cast and most of them...
Developed by Monomyth Co., Ltd. The Victims’ Game is a Taiwanese Hokkien language thriller drama television series. It was based on The Fourth Victim by INFINITY....
Created by Chun Sung-il, Lee Jae-kyoo, and Kim Nam-Su, All of Us Are Dead is a South Korean coming-of-age zombie apocalypse horror streaming television series. Based...
Directed by Yeon Sang-ho, Hellbound is a South Korean dark fantasy streaming television series. The show is based on his own webtoon of the same name....
Based on the Naver webtoon of the same name by Kim Carnby and Hwang Young-chan, Sweet Home is a South Korean apocalyptic horror streaming television series....
Created by Katharina Eyssen, and Lena Stahl, The Empress is a 2022 German historical drama series. The show is based on the life of Empress Elisabeth...
Created by Hanno Hackfort, Richard Kropf, and Bob Konrad, Kleo is a German action-thriller television series developed for Netflix. The basic premise of the show focuses...
Created by American filmmaker Tim Miller, Love, Death & Robots is an adult animated anthology streaming television series. The show is a reimagination of Fincher and...
American adult animated coming-of-age sitcom, Big Mouth was created by Nick Kroll, Jennifer Flackett, Andrew Goldberg, and Mark Levin. The series focuses on teens residing in...
Heartstopper is a British coming-of-age romantic comedy streaming television series which is written by Alice Oseman. It is adapted from the webcomic and graphic novel of...