Cobra Kai is an American action-comedy web series, based on The Karate Kid film series, created by John Hurwitz, Hayden Schlossberg, and Josh Heald, starring Ralph Macchio and William Zabka along with Xolo Mariduena, Courtney Henngeler, Tanner Buchanan, and Mary Mouser. The series achieved widespread acclaim for its incredible storytelling, with the original bully from the movie Johnny played by William Zabka who reunites with Daniel played by Raphael Macchio, and they battle each other in a renewed rivalry of karate dojos along with dealing family issues and taking apprentices, and also the young cast members play an important part of the series, Cobra Kai.
The first season of Cobra Kai was aired on 2 May 2018 at YouTube Premium. After the two successful seasons of Cobra Kai at YouTube premium, now it’s time for the series to find a new streaming platform because YouTube has canceled the show.
Why YouTube Canceled Cobra Kai?
YouTube ordered season three of Cobra Kai in April 2019 with the full intention to air the third season. It is certain that the third season of the series will air on YouTube Premium, but it canceled the fourth season because of the inevitable differences between the series and the streaming platform. Only some people have access to watch the show by paying which was definitely affecting the popularity of the series. YouTube did the best to use the series buzz to lure subscribers and even last year, it experimented with ad-based business with temporarily releasing the two season of the series with no payment basis to attract potential subscribers for the next season of the show. But that didn’t yield YouTube Premium any reward, also the original shows of YouTube didn’t receive much attention from the audiences.
Where to Stream Cobra Kai?
YouTube will certainly release the third season of Cobra Kai, anytime soon. A new platform awaits for the series which is either Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime or others, and according to reports that streaming platform will have the right to all the three seasons of Cobra Kai. In a way, the series will finally get its long-lost fame and a new home with fans across the globe.