Coroner is a Canadian medical drama series by Morwyn Brebner. It was first released in January 2019 by the CBC Network. The show is based on a novel series by M.R. Hall that features Jenny Cooper, a coroner who investigates suspicious deaths. Is the show worth watching? When does the next season come out? Keep reading to find out more!
Coroner: Plot and Cast
The show follows Jenny Cooper, a newbie coroner in Toronto, around town as she investigates suspicious deaths. She got inspired to start this job after her husband dies of an aneurysm. However, what truly prompted her was the black dog that roamed around his body. We see Jenny as kind and caring, who also somewhat plays a detective.
Even though her husband left behind tons of debts, she tries her best to do good. She take anxiety medication after being forced to leave her earlier job as an ER doctor. The show places a great focus on Cooper’s personal life, unlike other detective and crime dramas. There is also a great focus on mental health issues with the protagonist and the criminals.
Serinda Swan plays the lead role of Jenny Cooper. She is a quirky character and frequently acts differently than she is supposed to. She once placed her hand on a dead body to whisper a prayer to it, which surprised her lead detective. Roger Cross plays Detective Donovan “Mac” McAvoy, who is assisted by Jenny on his investigations.
Alli Chung plays Detective Taylor Kim in Season 1 while Adam McQueen plays Detective Malik Abed. Eric Bruneau plays Liam Bouchard and Ehren Kassam plays Ross Kalighi.
Coroner Season 3: Release Date and Trailer
Coroner Season 1 and 2 had eight episodes each, making it a relatively short crime series. The latest season came out in late February 2020. In May 2020, the show was renewed for a third season. However, there are no updates as to when the shooting will start. We hope for good news!