Crossing Swords is an upcoming comedy web-TV series created by John Harvatine IV and Tom Root. his is going to be the latest animated series to land on Hulu. The following series features Patrick, a good-hearted peasant who lands coveted squire position at the royal castle. his dream job takes a huge turn to be a great nightmare when he learns that his beloved kingdom is run by a hornet’s nest of horny monarchs(Yep! you read that right), crooks, and charlatans.
What turns to be worse is Patrick’s valor made him the black sheep in his family and now the return of his siblings has made his life hell. This animated series features war, murder, and full frontal nudity.
Nicholas Hoult will be providing the voice for the protagonist of the show, Patrick. The other cast members are Adam Ray, Tara Strong, Tony Hale, Luke Evans, Seth Green, Alanna Ubach, Adam Pally, Yvette-Nicole Brown, Maya Erskine, and others.
This series brings in medieval sex dungeons, cocaine-fueled ragers, and talk of “butt play” in Hulu’s first trailer for their new adult animated show, Crossing Swords.
The main character Patrick who has been training years to become a knight and gets his dream squire job at the castle. But when he finds out that his monarchs are just a bunch of horny deviants he says,” Ten years has led to this……How am I supposed to be a knight for these people?”.
The shows season 1, consisting of 10 episodes will premiere on Hulu this June 12. Do not miss to watch this fun-packed entertainment.