Crysis, originally released in 2007, is a first-person shooting game created by Crytek. It features players in science fiction nano suits engaged in military action against North Korean troops, mercenaries, and technology advanced aliens named Ceph.
Release Date
The remaster is being co-developed with Saber Interactive and is expected to be released in 2020. An official Crytek video reviewing the outstanding tech capabilities of Crysis Remastered’s Nintendo Switch reveals the unexpectedly good graphics on the underpowered machine.
The game is expected to be released for Nintendo Switch on July 23. There are currently no launch dates for PC, PS4, and Xbox One models. The initial release date was postponed after the leaked video of the gameplay revealed weak graphics and attracted fans backlash.
New Trailer
With Crytek launching Crysis Remastered on the Nintendo Switch in a couple of days. The Devs unveiled a new trailer highlighting the technological aspects of the Switch game.
The trailer highlights technological innovations, including plant bending, destructible landscapes, dynamic lighting, voxel-based global illumination, light rays and sunbeams, improved lighting, depth of field, and motion blur.
Many of the responses were mixed, with fans enthusiastic about the Nintendo Switch port being made with Saber Interactive’s assistance.
When Crytek revealed this year that they would launch a remaster for the original Crysis. Fans were excited to see how much that would improve the legendary graphics of the game. Though a leaked trailer has upset too many viewers with the visual changes. Crytek has now for several weeks pushed the release of the game on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.
The fourth entry in the series has been widely awaited since the release of Crysis 3 in 2013. Crytek hasn’t revealed any intentions to create another game, but-if Crysis Remastered goes well-Crytek may consider offering fans what they’ve been waiting to do for years.
I am final year engineering student pursuing CSE. Apart from studying, I'm a good sportsman. Likes to play cricket, volleyball, basketball and so on, and I'm a foodie, too.