Created by Ryan Murphy and Ian Brennan, Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story is the first season of the American true crime anthology series. The executive producers of the show include Ryan Murphy, Carl Franklin, Alexis Martin Woodall, Janet Mock, Ian Brennan, Eric Kovtun, and Evan Peters.
The first season of the show was released on September 21, 2022. Dahmer received mixed reviews but was a commercial success, reaching the number-one spot on Netflix in the first week of its release. Considering that, the show has been renewed for two more seasons.
So, when is the third season releasing? What is the plot? Who would come back to reprise their roles? Continue reading to know further details.
Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story Plot and Cast
The series is about the life of Jeffrey Dahmer, and how he became one of the most notorious serial killers in America. His murders were executed in Bath Township, Ohio, West Allis, Wisconsin, and Milwaukee, Wisconsin between 1978 and 1991. The series dramatizes instances where Dahmer was nearly apprehended until his ultimate conviction and death. It also explores how police incompetence and apathy contributed to enabling his crimes.
The developers have not revealed much about the storyline for season 3 since the second season is yet to be out. However we can expect it to pick up the story from where it left off in the previous season.
Coming to the cast members, it includes Evan Peters as Jeffrey Dahmer, Richard Jenkins as Lionel Dahmer, Molly Ringwald as Shari Dahmer, Niecy Nash as Glenda Cleveland, Michael Learned as Catherine Dahmer, and many more are there.
Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story Season 3 Release Date
The first season debuted on September 21, 2022, and has already been renewed for two more seasons. The first season consisted of ten episodes in total.
The developers have not revealed any specific release date for the second season yet. The show has been produced by Netflix, Prospect Films, and Ryan Murphy Productions.
Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story Season 3 Trailer
The developers have not released the trailer for Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story Season 3 until now. For now, you can check the trailer for Season 1 below:
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Assamese from words and a true Indian from the heart.
My dream and aim is to make India a discrimination-free country. Peace can be achieved only and if we treat everyone equally.
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