TLC distributed show Darcey and Stacey premiered in the second week of August 2020. The show is a reality tv series. It follows the lives of twin actresses Darcey and Stacey Silva. They had gained fame for doing the show called the 90 Day Fiance. The sisters are glamourous and nothing less of the rich housewives of Beverly Hills. Somewhat along the lines of the real housewives series. This series engages with the story of the two sisters.
The plot of the show:
In the show, you will see the sisters navigate through what life sends their way. Their struggles, emotional, mental, financial and physical burden have been covered. The viewers get an inside look of what their lifestyle is like. How the two women react to human situations. What keeps them driven and what sets them apart from an ordinary being. Their affluent lifestyle and snobbish choices often leave them at crossroads. The show also stresses upon the importance they have in each other’s lives. It is a perfect weekend binge-watch. If you have a sister you must watch it!
Trailer and Release date:
The show has released its first episode on 16th August 2020. The second episode will premiere on 23rd August 2020. The shows are released on a weekly basis. The runtime of each episode is 40 minutes give or take. The show aires at 10 pm America time. You can watch on TLC channel or on their official site.
The cast of the show:
The main stars of the show are Darcey and Stacey Silva themselves. Aside from them their immediate family and friends, their work crew and of course anyone who interacts with them on air. We also see Mike Silva, Darcey and Stacey’s father. Nancy, Darcey and Stacey’s mother, who is divorced from Mike. Aniko, Darcey’s daughter and Aspen, Darcey’s daughter.
Electronics and communication engineer in the making, I’m a voracious reader and a passionate writer. I enjoy learning new skills and aim to enhance my skillset. I strive to achieve the best and firmly believe that every opportunity is a gateway to one’s personal success and development.