Darth Maul and Darth Vader are two of the foremost iconic villains in Star Wars history, and therefore the Clone Wars now has the right opportunity to possess the two characters not only share the screen but face one another in battle. Both villains would have the prospect to wreak havoc and prove which is the better Sith Lord.
Of course, a fight between Vader and Maul can’t end in death. After all, Vader lives to return during “A New Hope”, while we all know that Maul survives the top of “The Clone Wars” given his cameo appearance in “Solo: A Star Wars Story” and role in “Star Wars Rebels”. But in a larger panorama, that does not really matter. The Clone Wars has featured some dramatically high-end battles, and the fight must be a dream battle sequence for fans of the two bosses.
It is of no surprise that Vader is the more powerful villain among the competitors, but victory won’t be easy. Vader’s indiscriminate use of the Force against non-Force users gives him an upper hand. However, his history of lightsaber fights against other Jedi and Sith are compromising. As Anakin Skywalker, he was good, but not good enough to defeat Obi-Wan on Mustafar during Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith. This fight almost killed his “formed” humanity and weakened him even more.
#MakoSolo2Happen I want to know what happens to Kiera. I want to see a epic big screen Darth Maul vs Darth Vader. Make it happen, Disney. https://t.co/Dl46XimTyn
While Maul brings a great amount of power with him, as we have seen in his fight within the Clone Wars, Anakin is the one to balance back to the Force. Darth Vader is the “Chosen One”, and his force is unmatched. Vader’s area of expertise lies in telekinesis, Force chokes, and mind attacks. Vader can repair his suit mid-fight, toss AT-DP walkers aside, and invade the minds of opponents without losing stamina. Although Vader’s machine body could slow him down, it could also protect him from Maul’s attacks.
This one, along with the duel between Qui Gon and Obi Wan vs Darth Maul. But this one had more emotion and showed the tragedy of Darth Vader and to see individuals who were once friends now enemies pic.twitter.com/4irtKX3TB9
What Vader lacks are the complexities and intricacies of a duel, but he is a master of raw power. He can also gather information and data about enemies even till the end of the galaxy, leading Stormtroopers and Sith Inquisitors. Darth Maul had to lose his organization “Crimson Dawn” and was defeated again by Obi-Wan, Maul admitted that he could not fight with Vader alone. This story doesn’t belong to official “Star Wars” series or movies, but Darth Vader fought and defeated Maul in comic Star Wars Tales #9. The only person who could get close enough to Darth Vader a was Luke Skywalker.
I do not hate people, but I despise their existence. Hi, I’m an actor, writer, poet, visual artist, a man of science and also the least favourite person in my family. Our beloved Hemingway, once said "There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed." I believed in this quote humbly, truly and faithfully, now I have Anemia. I hope you like my works and if you do then please tell the President about it (seriously, all we want is fame).