Death Stranding is a game created by Kojima Productions. This is the first game produced by director Hideo Kojima and Kojima Productions after their 2015 break from Konami. It was launched for PS4 by Sony Interactive Entertainment on November 8, 2019, and for Windows on July 14, 2020, by 505 Games.
The game is set in the United States during the wake of the eponymous Death Stranding, which prompted horrific beings to begin wandering the Planet from a world of life and death. Players operate Sam Porter Bridges (Norman Reedus). He is a messenger whose mission is to bring supplies to the remaining broken and isolated colonies and to link them using a wireless communication network.
Mysterious blasts have rattled the world soon, putting in motion a chain of mysterious incidents known as Death Stranding. With otherworldly beings plaguing the earth, and inevitable mass destruction. It is up to Sam Porter Bridges to navigate across the devastated wilderness to rescue humanity from inevitable extermination.
PC Version
Death Stranding will support Nvidia DLSS 2.0 technology on your PC as long as you have a GeForce RTX GPU mounted.
NVIDIA is running a deal in advance of the Death Stranding PC update that entitles players to a free code while buying a GeForce RTX graphics card. The free code for Death Stranding comes with compatible GeForce RTX 20 Series graphics cards, computer desktops, and computer notebooks. The offer is available until Wednesday, July 29th and by clicking here you can find more information about the contract.
Death Stranding uses the Decima engine. Death Stranding on the PC is capable of running at 4 K in 60fps, providing a strong update to the graphics used on the PlayStation 4 version.
And tech analysts Digital Foundry said the Death Stranding PC update is “stunning,” “astonishing” and displays the game as “originally conceived.”
Death Stranding is available at both the Epic Games Store and Steam for PC.
I am final year engineering student pursuing CSE. Apart from studying, I'm a good sportsman. Likes to play cricket, volleyball, basketball and so on, and I'm a foodie, too.