Created by Vince Shiao, Departure is a 2019 suspense drama television series commissioned by Canadian broadcaster Global and developed by Shaftesbury Films. The executive producers of the show are Patrick Cassavetti, Carlo Dusi, Scott Garvie, D. Matt Geller, Diane Hendricks, Christina Jennings, Karine Martin, Archie Panjabi, Chris Philip, T.J. Scott, Ben Silverman, Bo Stehmeier, Jeff Stentz, David A. Stern and Malcolm MacRury.
The first season of the series premiered on Universal TV on July 10, 2019 followed by the second season on August 5, 2021. It is soon coming back with a brand new season.
So. When is the third season releasing? What is the plot? Who will come back to reprise their roles? Keep reading to know further details.
Departure Plot and Cast
Since the show was still under production it is hard to predict the synopsis for now. The show’s premise evolves with each new season, and it now includes many disaster probes. When flight BGA 716 mysteriously vanished during the first season, Kendra joined the investigating team and lent a hand. When a high-speed train crashes on the route in the second season, she gets drawn into another inquiry.
Season 3 is the only season in which political events and conspiracies expand the general narrative. Kendra may opt to remain in the United States only if Season 3 is renewed, which would alter dynamics among the team.
The expected cast members for the upcoming season includes Archie Panjabi as Kendra Malley, Kris Holden-Ried as Dominic Hayes, Florence Ordesh as Rose Tate, and Peter Mensah as Levi Hall. The rest of the cast include Claire Forlani as Janet Friel, Tamara Duarte as Nadia, Mark Rendall as Theo, Allan Hawco as Richard Donovan, Tyler Fayose as Arthur Delane, and more.
Departure Season 3 Release Date
There will be a third season of Departure, that much is certain. The Departure TV show has been given the go-light for a third season in 2021. Eric McCormack is scheduled to make an appearance in the third season of the show Departure.
The official release date of Departure Season 3 is not announced yet. We can expect the 3rd season to release sometime in 2022.
Departure Season 3 Trailer
It is too early to expect the trailer for the third season since the release date is not revealed yet. Until then, refresh your memory by looking at the trailer of the previous season right below: