Des is a three-episode British miniseries by ITV Studios. It is based on the Scottish serial killer Dennis Nilsen and his arrest in 1983. This happened after human remains were found near his home. As if we haven’t seen enough horror in both real life and television this year! However, since Doctor Who star David Tennant stars as Nilsen, it is expected to be a performance worth watching. Even if it gives you nightmares and keep a baseball bat next to you while you sleep. Well, read on to find out more about the show!
Des: Plot and Cast
Des focuses on Dennis Nilsen, famous Scottish serial killer in the 1980s. He confessed to killing at least 15 men and boys in the 1970s and 1980s. A neighbor near his London house called up the plumber after experiencing a drain blockage. The cause of the blockage turned out to be human remains which were flushed away by Nilsen. Even though his confession had a far higher murder count, he was convicted for only six murders and two attempted murders.
The show is based on the book Killing for Company by Brian Masters, who is Nilsen’s biographer. Masters tries to figure out how Nilsen was able to kill so many people by just interacting with them. What was even more horrifying was the ease with which Nilsen confessed to the murders. He admits to the police that the human remains in the drain were his doing and points out to another body hidden in his kitchen.
David Tennant does an excellent job as Dennis Nilsen, especially due to his physical similarity to him. Other cast members include Daniel Mays, Jason Watkins, and Jamie Parker.
Des: Release Date and Trailer
This horrifying and chilling drama was released on September 14, 2020 to great praise for Tennant’s performance. Watch the trailer below: