Created and written by Simon Burke, Domina is a historical drama limited television series. The show is produced for Sky Atlantic (Italy) and Sky Atlantic (UK). The show’s executive producers include Simon Burke, Faye Dorn, Claire McCarthy, Patrick Spence, Marcus Wilson, Nils Hartmann, Sonia Rovai, Cameron Roach, Serena Thompson, and Cristina Giubbetti.
The series holds an approval rating of 78% on Rotten Tomatoes. The first season was released on 14th May 2021. Followed by, the makers have renewed the show for a second season.
So, when is the second season releasing? What is the plot? Who would be cast in the lead roles? Continue reading to know further details.
Domina Plot and Cast
Season one ended quite historically; Livia and Gaius held the political reigns of Rome and resolved the heated dispute they had regarding the killing of Marcellus, Gaius’ nephew and successor. In doing so, however, they have earned a lot of enemies. This may be a power move that calls for celebration, but they made many enemies, soon ensuing war.
The series is based on the history of Rome; hence we already have an idea of what is coming up next, thanks to history. Tiberius, Livia’s son, will succeed his father after his death; Livia will take part in banishing Julia, Gaius’ daughter. We also know the events that triggered the political atmosphere in Rome, and we expect all this to be explored in the second season.
Coming to the cast, it includes Kasia Smutniak, Nadia Parkes, Meadow Nobrega, Matthew McNulty, Tom Glynn-Carney, Ben Batt, Oliver Huntingdon, Christine Bottomley, and there is many more.
Domina Season 2 Release Date
Epix has ordered a second installment of the series, and just like the first season, it will have eight episodes with the same run time.
The first season was released on 14th May 2021 after being in production for a year, and if all works out as expected, we should expect a second season in early 2023.
Domina Season 2 Trailer
Sadly, a trailer is yet to be released, and you will have to wait as much as you are eager for fresh content for the drama series.
A pure Assamese and Indian from the core of my heart. I like to spend my leisure time by watching the best TV shows and I eagerly wait for more seasons. I still got a long list to wrap up.