‘Drifters’ is a Japanese fantasy-thriller anime based on the manga of the same name. The serialization of the manga started in a local magazine Shonen Gahosha. From the pages of a local Japanese magazine, writer-illustrator Kouta Hirano’s creation became one of the most loved animes of all time. The manga was adapted to anime to honor the 70th anniversary of its publisher magazine in 2016. The first season premiered on 7th October 2016 and finished off on December 26. It run for a total of 15 episodes with each being around 24 minutes long.
Release date
Owing to its instant success, Drifters had been renewed another season immediately after the first one ended. Season one’s finale episode ended with the following note: “To be continued Second Season. See you again. Tokyo 20XX. Sayonara.” No year or dates for the commencement of the next part were announced at that time. But it has been four long years since that official announcement but no release date has been in the buzz, yet. But the fans are hoping that it will roll out by the end of 2020.
The English version of the show consists some of the best of their lot. The shows main cast includes Josh Grelle as Shimazu Toyohisa, Justin Briner as Nasu no Yoichi, Robert McCollum as Oda Nobunaga, Chris Patton as Abe no Seimei (Haruakira), David Wald as Murasaki, Gwendolyn Lau as Olminu, Jeremy Schwartz as Black King, Monica Rial as EASY, Aaron Roberts as Kafet, Anthony Bowling as Fulame, Apphia Yu as Mark and Christopher Bevins as Grigori Rasputin.
The second season of Drifters will pick up from where the first season left off. Shimazu Toyohisa, a guy from the middle ages is teleported to a modern-day parallel world. As he explores the new world he finds out that modern-day reality is full of oppressive tyrants and magnificent beasts. Shimazu becomes determined to overthrow the tyrants and free the oppressed. A lot of warriors join him in this resistance movement. Season two will continue Shimazu and his team’s journey against the tyrants.
Can season one be streamed online?
Season one can be streamed online in the English language on FUNimation Entertainment’s streaming platform FunimationNow.