Written by Kimiko Ueno, created by Justin Leach, directed by Yasuhiro Irie, and produced by CGCG Studio Inc. and Qubic Pictures, “Eden” is an original CGI anime streaming television series starring Marika Kono, Kentaro Ito, and Kyoko Hikami that was released on Thursday, May 27, 2021, on Netflix.
A human girl secretly raised by robots starts to uncover the dark secrets behind the lush, utopian world where humanity has all but vanished.
The world we jump into takes place 5000 years in the future. Humanity has all but disappeared from the planet. Lush vegetation is everywhere and robots live in harmony, picking apples and going about their endless days on a repeated, programmed loop.
On the surface, Eden is a beautifully constructed idea, centering around this group of AI robots and a discovery that changes everything. That change comes in the form of a human girl called Sara, whom two robots secretly raise without arousing suspicion from the other bots. Through the years, Sara grows up and realizes there are dark secrets lurking in the corners of this lush, utopian world – and she intends to figure out what they are.