Created by Carlos Montero and Darío Madrona, “Elite” is a Spanish thriller teen drama television series set in Las Encinas, a fictional elite secondary school and revolves around the relationships between three working-class students enrolled at the school through a scholarship program and their wealthy classmates, the first season of which was released on October 5, 2018.
Elite explores concepts and themes associated with teen dramas but also features more progressive issues and other sides to its clichés. These include many diverse sexual themes. Structurally, the series employs a flash-forward plot that involves a mystery element, with each season taking place in two timelines.
The latest season of this hauntingly riveting teen series premiered on Friday, June 18, 2021, on Netflix.
Season 4 picks up with a new school year at Las Encinas, as well as a new director (Diego Martin): one of the most powerful businessmen in Europe, ready to bring the Las Encinas institution, which, according to him, has been running amok in the past few years, back on track. He brings his three children with him (Carla Díaz, Martina Cariddi, Manu Rios): three teenagers too used to always get their own way, and to have what they want when they want, no matter who falls, and who will jeopardize the union and strong friendship of the students who have stayed at the school.
Starring Itzan Escamilla as Samuel, Miguel Bernardeau as Guzmán, Arón Piper as Ander, Omar Ayuso as Omar, Claudia Salas as Rebeka, Georgina Amorós as Cayetana, Carla Díaz as Ari, Martina Cariddi as Mencía, Manu Rios as Patrick, Pol Granch as Phillipe, Diego Martín as Benjamín, Andrés Velencoso as Armando, and Mina El Hammani as Nadia.