Created by Diego Luna, “Everything Will Be Fine” is an upcoming Mexican television drama series starring Lucía Uribe, Flavio Medina, Isabella Vazquez Morales, the first season of which premieres Friday, August 20, 2021, on Netflix.
The Official synopsis reads: “A separated couple live together for their child’s sake in this satirical dramedy about what it means to be a good parent and spouse in today’s world.”
“Everything Will Be Fine, which I produced and directed, takes place in Mexico City and is a ‘dramedy’ that reflects on the idea of family and relationships today. This story is born from an urgent need to question the idea of the perfect couple, romantic love, the creation of a family and the fusing of expectations that one may have about a relationship in an act as cold, institutional and contradictory as marriage sometimes can be.” Luna, creator, director and producer of the series said via Netflix press release.
“The series also raises questions about marriage, monogamous relationships, and the social, professional and political aspirations that bring us closer together and then seem to create irreconcilable differences. But the series is also about imagining, as those who I trust the most would say, the possibility of different realities living together harmoniously. This is all told through fictional storylines, and always with humor. The only way to be serious.”