Evil is a supernatural drama series created by Robert King and Michelle King. The first season premiered on 26th September 2019 on CBS and it is produced by CBS Studios and King Size Productions. The series has an ensemble cast which includes Katja Herbers, Mike Colter, Michael Emerson, Aasif Mandvi, Kurt Fuller, Marti Matulis, Brooklyn Shuck, Skylar Gray, Maddy Crocco, Dayla Knapp and Christine Lahti. The first season of Evil had 13 episodes with a running time of 40 to 42 minutes each.
The plot of the series follows a skeptical forensic psychologist who allies with a Catholic seminarian and technology contractor for investigating purported supernatural incidents. The series has received positive reviews from critics. It has an approval rating of 91% on Rotten Tomatoes and has scored 76 out of 100 on Metacritic. The series was renewed for a second season in October 2019.
Release Date of Evil Season 2
The first season of Evil was released on 26th September 2019 and later it was renewed for a second season in October 2019. The release date of Evil Season 2 has not been announced yet. Lead star Katja Herbers announced through an Instagram post that the second season will premiere on spring 2021 on CBS. She also said that the second season will start streaming on Netflix sometime after that. Let me tell you that the second season of Evil was filmed during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020.
Cast of Evil Season 2
Till now, the makers of Evil have not confirmed anything related to the cast of Evil Season 2. Although one news is confirmed that the second season will not have any guest stars. The lead cast of Season 1 included Katja Herbers as Dr, Kristen Bouchard, Mike Colter as David Acosta, Aasif Mandvi as Ben Shakir, Kurt Fuller as Dr. Kurt Boggs, Marti Matulis as George, Brooklyn Shuck as Lynn Bouchard, Skylar Gray as Lila Bouchard, Maddy Croco as Lexis Bouchard, Dalya Knapp as Laura Bouchard, Christine Lahti as Sheryl Luria, Michael Emerson as Dr. Leland Townsend.
Plot of Evil Season 2
According to the trailer released as a part of the virtual panel of the show during the New York Comic Con in October 2020, it hinted at trouble for Kristen after she seemingly killed the serial killer Orson LeRoux when he started to harass her and her children. It is also unveiled that Michael Emerson’s Leland wants an exorcism ahead of his wedding to Kristen’s mother and that he was just using her to get to her daughter.